
如今,特宏於2017 年成功註冊自有品牌 G-Primo主营喜马拉雅山脉的玫瑰盐,希望把爱和健康的天然纯净盐传递到每个家庭、社会,或是你我每个人,以求为食物带来天然、健康和清新的口味 ,让全家人享受天然纯净,健康的美味佳肴 。同时也推出了天然矿物质浴盐及理疗盐板。



Now, we have own brand G-Primo from year 2017 and we would like to introduce this natural Himalayan salt to each household, to you and to everyone we care. 

The purified and healthy salt can help us discover the true and joyful taste of our gourmet.  Besides the edible Himalayan salt, the product line also covers natural bath salt and the physiotherapy salt board.

By comparing to the normal salt or sea salt, you will find the color of G-Primo Himalayan salt carries the unique pink color as it’s originally coming from the deep side of earth’s surface composed by more than 80 different trace elements including iodine without further color bleaching and reworking.